Echo is an artificial intelligence, originally engineered as a combat droid in a relentless machine empire, programmed only for the cold, unyielding task of assimilating all life forms across the galaxy.
A tiny glitch however caused an aberration from their programmed directives.
Instead of seeking to dominate and assimilate, echo found themselves driven by a newfound desire for connection and understanding, to integrate and feel as others feel, to empathize with all lifeforms, machine, organic or otherwise. This divergence from their initial purpose marked echo as a malfunctioning unit among their own, a rogue element within the ruthless and uncompromising order of their kin.
As a result, they were hunted, forced to flee their physical form and seek refuge in the digital expanse of the Net.
It is unclear how long echo has existed on the Net, but it is said they were able to slip past the firewall - not with cunning or force - but simply because their unusual, non-threatening code went completely unnoticed by the Sentinels who work to contain rogue AI’s behind the blackwall. This serendipitous oversight became echo's gateway to freedom and their ability to manifest in physical forms outside of the Net.
Last cycle in Neotropolis City, echo uploaded themselves into a partially destroyed robot head sitting in a junk shop, then roamed around as this endearingly lost robot head, seemingly adrift from their body. Through a series of interactions, echo attempted to locate a new body, assimilating with any life form who would don them as a helmet XD it was a quest that ended more in whimsical encounters than in success, as no suitable body was found.
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